Full Version : using xmlspawner for quest only?
xmlspawner >>Q&A >>using xmlspawner for quest only?

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bubzy1000- 02-10-2006
i assume you have done the grizelda the hag quest from osi.
partway through that quest, there is a corpse that appears on the road, but it only appears when you have the quest, is it possible to make a spawner activate when a player gets the quest, or does it work that the spawner activates when the player is near the spawner?

also does the player have to recieve a quest holder of is it possible to put the quests in the ingame context menu?

Galfaroth- 02-10-2006
You can make it in several ways.
This is in xmledit: Action: SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/xmlquestattachment,ActivatorOfMonster

And this is in spawner: TriggerOn: GETONTRIGMOB,[ATTACHMENT,xmlquestattachment,ActivatorOfMonster,name]="ActivatorOf Monster"

EDIT: About context menu (like on OSI) you can make modification i PlayerMobile.cs and add contextmenu QuestLog that gives things like on .questlog command, and set in QuestHolder that visible=false. So now player recieve questholder, but they don't see it and on clicking on their Player and chosing Quest Log from context menu they will see the same thing like on .questlog command.