Full Version : Waituntil problem
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Oberon- 05-27-2006
Hello Arte,
i have problem with waituntil order.
Do you explain me what exactly this order working?
I want make a spawn when will active and wait for players.
When a players arrives in to waituntil range, the spawner make some actions.
I have tryed to make one, but it didnt work.

Do you help me and explain me where i have a error?
Thank you.

This is my haywire spawner.

ArteGordon- 05-27-2006
Set the Group property on the spawner to false.

When you have Group set to true, then it will not respawn anything until all current spawns are cleared.
This also means that sequential advancement will be blocked until all spawns in a subgroup are cleared.
In your case, you spawn a static in subgroup 1 along with your WAITUNTIL, and since that static will never be cleared, you will never advance past that subgroup, even though you will satisfy the WAITUNTIL condition.

I like your use of the spawned statics to indicate the sequential state.

Oberon- 05-27-2006
Thank you very much.