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Hanse46- 04-13-2008
Okay, to add new recipies, do I just copy:

       public enum Recipes

       public static void Initialize()

           // define the recipes and their use requirements
           // ideally, you have a definition for every Recipes enum.  Although it isnt absolutely necessary,
           // if it isnt defined here, it will not be available for use
               (int)Recipes.UnbakedMeatPie,                     // makes an uncooked meat pie
               0,30,20,                                                                        // str, dex, int requirements
               new SkillName [] { SkillName.Cooking },                                        //  skill requirement list
               new int [] { 30 },                                                               // minimum skill levels
               new Type [] {typeof(BowlFlour), typeof(Pitcher), typeof(RawRibs), typeof(Garlic), typeof(Carrot) }, // ingredient list                                                    // ingredient list
               new int [] { 1, 1, 2, 1, 4 },                                                   // quantities
               new string [] { null, "IsFull=true & Content=#Milk", null, null, null }         // additional property tests

       public override void DoTransmute(Mobile from, Recipe r)
           if(r == null || from == null) return;

           Recipes rid = (Recipes) r.RecipeID;
               case Recipes.UnbakedMeatPie:
                   // take the ingredients

                   // add the pie
                   DropItem(new UnbakedMeatPie());

and then add the new one under the old or do I need to create a seperate script for each?

ArteGordon- 04-14-2008
take a look at the bagofresources.cs script. It has 3 recipes. To add a recipe to MagicBasket.cs you would add them to the script in the same way.

You can always add your own custom transmutation containers with their own recipes.