Full Version : XMLSpawner 2.0 conversion and treasurechest spawn
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DazedAndConfused- 10-05-2006
Working on a RunUO 2.0 test shard. Loaded 2.0 spawner pack and transferred my 1.0 spawners over. Got lots of badspawn due to mobs that currently have not been added. Fine. Over half of the badspawn are treasure chests though. They are looking for Treasurechestlevel1-4.cs scripts, which do not seem to be in the standard 2.0 package. I thought they were part of Neruns spawner pack because they are in the Nerun folder additions in 1.0. Was there a change in treasure chest spawning in 2.0 not reflected in the 1.0 standard dungeon spawners? I would hate to have to edit all those individually.

Should I just copy those scripts over from 1.0 to 2.0? Any ideas?

ArteGordon- 10-05-2006
you can just copy them over. They are also posted in the Files section here.

DazedAndConfused- 10-05-2006
Thanks Arte. I assume they go in the same directory as in RunUO 1.0

ArteGordon- 10-06-2006
yep, that will work.