Full Version : XmlSpawnerSave
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Dian- 02-09-2006
If a guy dupes an Xml Spawner, and its in his backpack..

If I run the command XmlSpawnerSave will the spawner in a characters backpack get scanned, and saved too? I have not attampted to test that, just figured I would ask if there was any checks for that sort of thing, to prevent any trouble.. either reimporting, or loading the xml file into Spawn Editor.


ArteGordon- 02-09-2006
no. carried spawners are not saved.

Dian- 02-09-2006
Right on, good to know.

Other thought.. about Duped xml spawners.. are they safe to use, being they have their own ID code that would also be duped?

ArteGordon- 02-09-2006
yes, it is safe to dupe spawners. The copies get their own unique id.

There are some posts about things to look out for when you dupe, such as the SpawnRange being set to zero because it is being relocated inside of a container and properties that refer directly to items or mobiles such as SetItem not being copied.