Full Version : Action:Spawn
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Xerocrates- 11-20-2007

I'm trying to make a spawn by an order gived on a xmlquestnpc

Created npc.. ok... that's easy...

Xmledit... ok...

depends -1
keyword:Do it!
Action: SPAWN,Spawner_arena,<subgroup>

that's the problem...

If I set Subgroup 0 it spawn All the creature in te spawner list but i wont it spawn only one of them..

if i set subgroup 1 doesn't work... also for 2, 3, 4 etc...

what's the problem?

Tnx for any answer (if you don't send me to "hell")

ArteGordon- 11-20-2007
you need to assign a subgroup number to the spawn entry in the spawner gump and then refer to that subgroup when you use the SPAWN keyword.

To assign a subgroup, open the extended spawner gump (little arrow button in the lower right corner of the gump), and enter a number in the 'Sub' column for the spawn entry you are interested in.

Xerocrates- 11-21-2007
all right, not a bug, not too drunk.. just too noob...

Tnx tongue.gif

Also another little question (i don't think is necessary open another topic for this)

I would make a talking npc change words on a condiction, whitout making 2 different entires whit opposite condiction:

little example:

Hello {if female=false say "Milord" Else Say "Milady"} How are you?

it is possible or i must make 2 different entires?


ArteGordon- 11-21-2007
you have to make two entries with the gender test in the Condition field.

Xerocrates- 11-21-2007
ok tnx smile.gif