I set up a keyword spawner and wanted ghosts to be able to trigger it. So I changed the AllowGhostTrig property to TRUE. Now ONLY ghosts can trigger it. Do I need to set up two different spawners, one for ghosts and one for the living?
It is a simple pet resurrection spawner. Just thought it would be nice if ghosts could use it too.
yes. ghost triggering means only ghosts, so you would need another for the living.
Arte :] You can make condition: GETONTRIGMOB,Alive = true for trigger dialog for alive players and: GETONTRIGMOB,Alive = false to trigger another dialog for dead players.
yes, you can check those, but the actual triggering of the dialogs or spawners is still going to be restricted by the AllowGhostTrig setting, so if that is false, then the trigmob will never be a ghost, and if it is true then the trigmob will never be alive.
You could change the triggering code so that when AllowGhostTrig was true, it allowed both ghosts and live players to trigger it and then you could apply those additional tests that you mentioned.
So Maybe add sth like this that works like first two lines: NoTrigOn TrigOn. If questmaker make condition with alive, allowghosttrig is skipped in new release ofcoz
