Hello. This is my first time posting on what has been an excellent resource for me thusfar.
I am attempting to create an XMLQuestAttachment called "DemonHunter" which would be attached to the PlayerMobile ONLY when the PlayerMobile attacks the NPC.
I'm having trouble with the code; nothing seems to be attaching the XMLQuestAttachment.
Any ideas?
Try doing this with a spawner by using Player Trigger by using player trigger property. You can use a property test with combatant = the mob you want to use. Then, on the entry of the spawner use the SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/XmlQuestAttachement keyword combo.
Also, in the No Trigger On Carried field, put in your attachment so your not attaching it over and over and over. You will need to do this because you will have to set your refractory and Min and Max Delays to 0 to make sure multiple players get the attachment when they meet the conditions.
Hello Jason; thanks for responding so quickly.
I'm having a hell of a time pulling that off, unfortunately.
The PlayerTriggerProp syntax may be what's getting me... tried using...
combatant="A Heretical Cleric"
combatant=0x6FD "A Heretical Cleric"
Then tried moving quotes all over the place. Still no go.
Seems the second xmlspawner is triggering regardless of the combatant value.
I've been trying to solve this through xmldialog, using...
Condition: GETONTRIGMOB/Combatant/MOB,A Society Cleric
Action: SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/<XmlQuestAttachment,DemonHunter>
But that seems equally ineffective. Seems as though I'm not handling this combatant property correctly.
Try this for the GETONTRIGMOB, notice the syntax uses a comma, not a slash like the SET keywords:
GETONTRIGMOB,Combatant=MOB,a society Cleric,SocietyCleric |
I've actually never tried GETONTRIGMOB with a mobile like this so you may want to mess around.