Was there a change to BaseSoundID in 2.0? I seem to be having difficulty changing sound on a spawned mob. If I recall correctly I could virtually give any mob any sound in 1.0, but it seems to default to the mobs native sound more often than not in 2.0.
For example: jukawarrior/BaseSoundID/124 does not sound like a cow, but a regular Jukawarrior.
Am I doing something incorrectly? Or is my fondness for the simplicity of 1.0 distorting my memory?
JukaWarriors override some of the default sounds in their script to return a fixed value which is why they ignore the BaseSoundID setting.
public override int GetIdleSound() { return 0x1AC; }
public override int GetAngerSound() { return 0x1CD; }
public override int GetHurtSound() { return 0x1D0; }
public override int GetDeathSound() { return 0x28D; }
Yup. Should have realized that. Thanks.