Full Version : Bring Home
xmlspawner >>Q&A >>Bring Home

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munkie- 04-14-2007
Is there a way to make every spawner in the world bring their spawns back 'home'?

ArteGordon- 04-15-2007
there is no way to do this by default.

You could make a mod to xmlspawner2.cs to make this possible.
Around line 9300 add the code in red


        public bool BringHome
            set { if (value) BringToHome(); }

        public void BringToHome()
            if (m_SpawnObjects == null) return;

This adds the BringHome property that you can set to true when you want to bring all of the spawns to the location of the spawner.
So to do it for all spawners issue a command like

[global xmlset bringhome true where xmlspawner

Note that this does not place the spawns back at their originally spawned locations, but rather brings them all to the spawner which spawned them.