I had some old accounts I needed to remove and I checked for homes ect removed all that then deleted the accounts..BUt now I see the pets they had remained in my internal items...
Is there a way to say like
[delte where playermobile removed?
or someting
[global remove item where PlayerMobile deleted
unfortunately items dont keep track of their owners in general. Things that normally do keep track of owners, such as pets, get rid of that information when they are stabled, and so only the owner knows which internalized pets are theirs.
When players are deleted, so is that information.
You would need to have a script that went through internalized pets and tested them against the stabled creatures of all players to see if they had any owners.
Ok well I know the system we are using Ronins system for run uo 1 ...when I use xml to check for internal items I found I had over 100 pets still listed to owners (by name) who no longer had accounts in the shard...
I removed their homes and all belongs in them and then deleted the accounts and for some reason over 100 pets stayed .....
thanks anyway hun....I have posted to ronin maybe he will get a fix for me...I know his shrink system internizes the pets so it can keep the pets stats and things .....
Thanks Arte for trying to help
ah, they are shruken pets. Sounds like Ronins system keeps track of owners after shrinking, so you would be able to determine whether a pet still had a valid owner.
I'm not sure how he keeps track of them. Sounds like he stores the owner name on them.
it does well at least those shrank and in the house or something..not ones stabled or hitched to stable post...so today I spent 2 hours going through each ones props and seeing if the owner was still active...over 100 pets belonged to deleted accounts..not too bad till you concider we are 4 month old shard and still have 277 pets..and I am sure not all those are really in the game ..just the ghost in internals....
such a mess ...
that is why I wanted to know is there a command I can use like
[global remove basecreature where controltarget = "sunshine"
or something