Full Version : ExtTrigState Wont Stay True!
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morganm- 11-25-2006
Im setting up a chain of sequential spawners for a boss spawn. The 3 linked spawners work great and flow from one to the other fine as requirments are met to complete subgroups.

What's givving me a head ache is setting up reliable triggering. I want to use a speech trigger so that players call out the triggering words and it begins the cain of events. However the property ExtTrigState won't stay True! Everytime the spawners I'm using as triggers are Reset or Respawned the property ExtTrigState goes False. Now the speech trigger wont work.

Please help!

ArteGordon- 11-27-2006
To enable external triggering, set the ExternalTriggering flag to true.

Then you can have other spawners set ExtTrigState to actually perform the triggering.

When you reset the spawner, the ExtTrigState will be reset to false but the ExternalTriggering flag will not be changed.

If you post the XML files or describe what you want to do in more detail I can give you suggestions.

morganm- 11-27-2006
Thanks Arte!

Here's what I'm trying to do:

I want players to walk into the room, say the magic words, and start the three spawners that spawn the monsters in sequential order. After the final boss monster spawns I want to turn off the three sequential spawners so they won't start respawning again untill triggerd again.

Here's what I have so far:

The three sequential spanwers are setup and flow properly from 1, 2, 3 and once each one is done it SET/Running/Fase on itself. I have three 'trigger' spawners which are all waiting for the magic words and once triggerd they SET/DoRespawn/True on sequentail spaners 1,2,3 respectivly (a trigger spawner for each sequential spawner).

That's when I noticed ExtTrigState wasn't staying True on the trigger spawners. So I setup 3 MORE spawners with proximiy triggering to SET/ExtTrigState/True on the 3 tigger spawners (again one for each trigger spawner). I thought this was abandaid fix but apparently this is how I should do it?

Isn't this rather innefficient as far as cuasing undue load on the server just to do a speech trigger? sad.gif

Thanks for the help!

ArteGordon- 11-27-2006
an easier way to do this is to have one spawner set up to do sequential spawning and configured to trigger on speech. Put your successive spawns into successive subgroups on the one spawner instead on multiple spawners.
To allow it to be triggered once and then run on its own until it reaches the boss without additional triggering, have it configured to set FreeRun on itself to true when it starts. This will allow it to continue running just like a regular non-triggered spawner until you set FreeRun to false again at which point it will wait for triggering again. For example

Subgroup 1: SETONTHIS/freerun/true
Subgroup 2: orc
Subgroup 8: bossmob
Subgroup 9: gold,10000
Subgroup 10: SETONTHIS/freerun/false
Subgroup 10: GOTO/1

If you also want it to automatically reset to the freerun=false state if they dont finish the sequential spawn, just set the ResetTo field to subgroup 10. That way, if they dont finish a level it will turn off freerun and go back to the initial subgroup 1 and wait for triggering.

user posted image


erm, on rereading your post I think that I misread it the first time.

I gather that you already have the sequential spawning thing going, but that you want to have 3 sequential spawners like that running at the same time, but when you do the Dorespawn thing, it clears the exttrigstate that you just set.
ExtTrigState does get cleared whenever the spawner is stopped. That occurs when you reset or if you SET/running/false. I dont believe that it should happen when you respawn, but I would have to double check that.

morganm- 11-27-2006
I'm not familiar with FreeRun. The server I'm on runs XML Spawner 2.0; is FreeRun a feature with this version of XML Sawner?

I had it all on one spawner at first but it wasn't working like I wanted it. The mobs that spawn need to spawn in specific locations and stand there; not wander back to the home range.

Here's how I want them to spawn:

---------------------[ GROUP1 in this range]----

when I setup the spawn range x1 x2 and y1 y2 for GROUP1 then GROUP1 spawns correctly. Now when any of the others spawn the wander back to the spawn range. I have HomeRange 0 but they still refuse to stand still and wander sad.gif Tried using #XFILL and #YFILL but it wouldn't work either; is that a feature of XML 2.0 ?

Sorry I'm such a newb sad.gif

ArteGordon- 11-27-2006
yeah, freerun has been in for a long time (since v2.48)

If you are manually positioning spawns by setting their location yourself then set the Home property on the mob as well as the Location.

If you are are using any of the automatic positioning control keywords like #XFILL or #XY, and have HomeRange set to 0, then those should automatically have their Home property set to their spawn location as long as you have HomeRangeRelative set to true.
If you have HomeRangeRelative set to false, then the Home for each mob will always be the spawner location.

morganm- 11-27-2006
ok thanks Arte, I'll give that a try.

Really appriciate the help! This site rules; Ive searched here hundreds of times and almost always find my answers there smile.gif