yeah, know about the miscreants (just dont let them come here

It sounds like you are just seeing the spawning as it progresses. By default, after you import them, they do not automatically fully respawn.
You can easily force them all to respawn if you like. There are several ways to do this. There is the
You can also use the
[global set dorespawn true where xmlspawnercommand
You can also use [xmlfind, search for all your xmlspawners, click the 'Select All' box, and the press the 'Respawn' button.
After that, you will find that the mob count will stabilize at some level.
The SpawnEditor installation could be as easy as just unzipping it, running setup.bat and then starting it up.
The extra stuff is if you run into problems, or if you want to install the TransferServer (I definitely recommend going through the trouble to do this).
For example, with the TransferServer installed, you would be able to see exactly where all of the creatures in your world are located, where all your gold, treasure chests, anything just by downloading it from your running server. Very helpful.
Even if you dont install the transferserver you can still use it to edit your xmlspawner XML files.
Just save out your spawners using the
[xmlsave filenamecommand. And the Load that file into the SpawnEditor, edit what you like, and save it back out.
Then just load it back into your world with
[xmlload filenameYou dont have to worry about duplicating spawners. The edited spawners will simply replace the previous ones. You can use the [xmlload command as many times as you like.
D) If you wanted to remove all of the scorpions from your spawners, you could use [xmlfind and enter 'scorpion' into the Entry field. Then do a search. This will find all of the spawners with scorpion entries.
You can bring up the gumps for each of the spawners using the Gump button next to each xmlfind entry.
Then remove the scorpion spawns (click the down arrow at the left of the spawner gump until the maxcount goes to zero, one more click after that and the entry is gone)
Another fast way to do this is to save out all of your spawns to an XML file using the [xmlsave command I mentioned before.
Then open up the XML file in any text editor, and do a global replace of 'scorpion' with whatever you like, or a blank string if you dont want anything.
Then just do an [xmlload to load back in the modified spawners.
All done in about 1 minute.
C) As for adding back the treasure chests, the reason that those spawners were complaining is that they are not defined as part of the standard distribution. They need custom treasure chest scripts. Nerun's should include those.
Just add those scripts to your Custom scripts and you should be good to go.