I haven't posted here for a while. I hope this hasn't been asked before.
I have searched in vain for a solution and have tried several things. I am setting up a simple cooking quest where a player must make a custom pizza and deliver it to Baron Lorenzo.
I am getting errors in my quest book and I believe it is because the pizza has commas in its name. We have some cooking mods so it is possible to make this pizza:
cooked goat cheese, bacon, onion, cucumber, mushrooms pizza
Here are some of the things I have tried:
objective1/GIVENAMED,Baron Lorenzo,{cooked goat cheese, bacon, onion, cucumber, mushrooms pizza},pizza,1 objective1/GIVENAMED,Baron Lorenzo[,cooked goat cheese, bacon, onion, cucumber, mushrooms pizza][,pizza][,1] objective1/GIVE,Baron Lorenzo,pizza[,1][,Desc={goat cheese, bacon, onion, cucumber, mushrooms}] objective1/GIVE,Baron Lorenzo,pizza[,1][,Desc="goat cheese, bacon, onion, cucumber, mushrooms"] |
I have tried several other things, rearranging brackets and such, but I keep getting Invalid type errors involving the pizza ingredients.
Desc is a property of the pizza I tried using, but like the name it has commas in it.
I could use a separate spawner to detect the pizza and give a reward, but would I run into the same problem with the commas in the name? I appreciate any help with this!
yep, commas are not allowed in names. Since they are used as general argument separators they are always going to be detected by the parser.
Until I change the literal string operator to work on embedded strings and not just to the end of the line, there is no way to include illegal chars like commas in there.