Ok I am toying with the keypad attachment and am trying to put some art in the buttons of the keypad.
This is where I m stalling:
""BUTTON,gumpid,x,y" - will create a button with the specified gumpid art at the x,y location. Pressing the button will generate the response string that can be used to drive speech entries if used in an xmldialog attachment, or to drive a spawner by setting the GumpState to the response."
Where can I get the "gumpid" art of an item to use as a button? seems like it's the hexadecimal value of items but have yet found a way to make it work.
in the example given when i used [xmlloadhere keypad.xml the code 0x264c refers to the death skull when you open a corpse. the three buttons have the following gumid art : 0x2c5f, 0x2c60 and 0x2c61.
I tried using InsideUO and Pandora's box but without success.... anyone has a suggestion for me?
InsideUO -> Button "Gumps" -> 264C -> The skull you mentioned. Are you sure the other numbers are correct? They seem to be Mahjong's pieces.
Yep I m quite sure.
Just found a great utility called UOviewer, gives the gumpid codes exactly as how they should be typed.
Thanks anyway