Full Version : its probably been asked before but....
xmlspawner >>Q&A >>its probably been asked before but....

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bubzy1000- 02-02-2006
i have created a quest at the moment, simple fetch and deliver quest, a woman lost her wedding ring, bring it back, blah blah.
i am using the "autoreward" function and would like to give the player a feathered hat with +5 tailoring on it.
the spawner will not allow me to specify featheredhat skillbonuses.skill_1_name tailoring etc. or in fact any combination of .'s <'s /'s capitals lower case, swear words, physical keyboard abuse.
all i want is to be able to give a magical item as a reward and be able to alter any property of any item from the xmledit as a reward, is this possible or am i wasting my time and shuold i be looking for a different method?

(Lord sid the bastard scum of the earth - UO ODYSSEY)

ArteGordon- 02-02-2006
when you specify a rewardstring that has special characters that you dont want parsed (like the '/' char that is needed to set properties on the reward item), you need to use the special literal @ operator, like this

blah blah blah..../rewardstring/@platehelm/armorattributes.magearmor/1/skillbonuses.skill_1_name/anatomy/skillbonuses.skill_1_value/20

where the @ operator will take the remainder of the line as a literal string (so note that you need to set the reward string last)

This will assign the rewardstring property the value of


which will end up giving as a reward a platehelm with magearmor and +20 anatomy.

bubzy1000- 02-02-2006
nicely done smile.gif ty