Full Version : List of commands
xmlspawner >>Q&A >>List of commands

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Old Dog- 03-15-2007
Hi Arte.
I really love XML spawner and learn more about it every time I browse through the forum but I was hoping I could find a complete list of all the comands that are available to use. Just looking for a list with a very short description of what it is, then I can always look it up if I need more info. I search the forum and find a few here and there and then forget them before I get a chance to write them down.

Is there such a list?

ArteGordon- 03-15-2007

Old Dog- 03-16-2007
Sorry I guess I did not state my question correctly.

I am looking for a list of spawner keywords. I found a bunch of the Keywords listed in the following post.
Does this include all the spawner keywords?
Unfortunately this just list many of the keyword, I was hoping to find a complete list of these word with maybe just a short description of them and the a simple example.

ArteGordon- 03-17-2007
the list of keywords in that post should be complete. You can also get a list of them along with their arguments in the Help windows via the spawner gump.

There is no full keyword list with descriptions as there is for commands, so you would have to cross-reference the individual keywords with the xmlspawner2.txt file that would contain their descriptions for more detailed info on them.

Old Dog- 03-17-2007
ok thanks, that was what I wanted to find out.