Full Version : MAx hits?
xmlspawner >>Q&A >>MAx hits?

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Matteo- 06-16-2006
well okay i was making aa horse then i set the bodyvalue to the big ancient dragon I did this to make it ridable i made its max damage to 100 and min 75 now when i fought it i one hitted it how do i change the max hits to like 3000 and make it att me faster?

Xyloth- 06-16-2006
In the properties gump, you will find HitsMaxSeed, set that to the desired value and then you must set Hits to the same value, otherwise it will not be fully healed. Hope that helps.


ArteGordon- 06-17-2006
and try changing the activespeed to speed up attacks, although it may only affect delay between spell casts.
