Full Version : Min & max Delay
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Foruno- 11-28-2006
Hello, have a problem.

I put a chest, name Treasure Royal, and i put a spawn name Royal Guard (spawn 10 guards).
The operation is: when a player changue de prop locked of the chest at false, the guard appears. For this i program the spawn with a trigitemprop locked=false and max and minD at 01 secondos. The problem is: when player kill 1 guard, to the moment appear another guard, for the delay. I wont that the 10 firsts guards apear at moment, but wen kill dont spawn anymore at minim 2 hores.

(Ole mi ingles de lepe xDDD)

ArteGordon- 11-28-2006
the refractory period is the minimum time after triggering that has to pass before the spawner can be triggered again. So if you set min/maxrefract to 2 hours, then after it has been triggered and the guards spawned, it cannot be triggered again for 2 hours.

Foruno- 11-28-2006
Yes, i know, but i configure this way, at first spawn only appear 1 guard :S

ArteGordon- 11-28-2006
do you want all 10 to appear at the same time after triggering? If so, then just set the Per field for that spawn entry in the spawner gump to 10. That specifies the number of spawns to be created for that subgroup per spawning tick.

Foruno- 11-28-2006
Oks now runing good, thx arte ^^ I actualice now the tutorial with the Per box xD