I'm interested in setting up a spawner which will move the contents of one pack (the player who triggers it) into another (a nearby container or NPC)
I looked at the take and give keywords, but It doesn't look like they do that.. what I'm looking for is a way to copy the exact item, all the various attributes.. from one place to another.
Is this possible?
you should be able to do something like
where you are using the ADD keyword to add the taken object to the named container. The special TAKEN keyword refers to the object that was most recently taken. It is the actual taken object so you dont have to worry about copying attributes.
Okay, so I attempted to make a thief NPC out of a XMLQuestNPC
I gave him a proximity of 1 and the following action on sequential entries
SET,Thief's Pouch/ADD/TAKEN
The problem is.. He will trigger dialogue (such as *Bumps roughly into you*) When anyone enters his proximity, but the action of TAKEBYTYPE is only done when I walk past. He'll only ever steal gold from me.. not from others..
He wont steal the gold if it wasn't me who walked past. How can I redirect the take target?
I would have to see the .npc file to know exactly what is going on, but in general by default, the dialog sequences will lock on to the player that initially triggered the sequence, and will not allow another player to trigger it until it resets.
You can allow individual dialog entries to acquire new triggering targets by toggling off the 'Lock On' check box.
It does trigger, there is acompanying dialogue to each entry which is triggered when anyone approaches.
The problem is that none but myself have their gold taken from.