Full Version : Multiple questholdersby a NPC
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YRD- 03-20-2008

I am setting up a quest where my QuestNPC hands out a questholder, when the 5 objectives are completed it takes the first questholder and hands out a second one.

So far all works except when I try to collect the items for the second questholder for some reason the questholder doesn't seem to recognize the items.

I am using the action COLLECTNAMED

My question is the following, is there a limit of only 1 questholder possible by questNPC?

Thanks in advance

ArteGordon- 03-21-2008
I'm not exactly sure what the problem is.
Do you mean that you have one NPC giving out several questholders, but that the COLLECTNAMED objective in one of the questholders doesnt work?

If so, this is not a problem with the NPC - they can hand out as many questholders as you like - it is more likely simply a syntax problem in the questholder specification.