Full Version : Not Equal sign in XmlFInd
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Xarlon- 01-30-2007
I've been working on changing all the dungeons to use region spawning... and I was going to go through and check the settings on all of them and change the ones that only spawned the annoying spawn so that when one thing died it would instantly spawn a new one somewhere in the dungeon.

So in the property test section, I put "regionname != (-null-)" it didn't work... so I pur "regionname <> (-null-)" which didn't work either. So I tried "regionname ! (-null-)".... nothing.

We're still using 3.04 on our shard. (the shard owner has yet to update it)

So basically I'm asking, is there a not-equal-to symbol? If so, what is it?

ArteGordon- 01-30-2007
the conditional test operators are just single chars.

! is not equals
= is equals
> is greater than
< is less than

What you want to do is to do a "[xmlget regionname" on a spawner that does not have a region assigned and see what it returns. That is what you want to check for.

"regionname!(null-)" is the correct test but it is possible that you have spawners that have the regionname set to an empty string "" instead of null.

If you try "regionname=(-null-)" you will see the ones that actually have it set to null.

To find all of the spawners that have a regionname that is not null or an emptry string, use

regionname!"" & regionname!(-null-)

I think that spawners that get imported from .map files may get the regionname set to an emptry string by default instead of null, which is what it assigned when you create a new spawner manually.

Xarlon- 01-30-2007
thanks. I didn't know about the & char allowing multiple conditions. I had just figured it only let you do one expression at a time.

I searched for spawners that had "" for regionname, and it seems that none of them do. They all begin with (-null-) when created or imported on our shard.

I don't know why regionname ! (-null-) wasn't working before, but it worked when I put regionname ! (-null-) & regionname ! "" so whatever. huh.gif

I'll have to remember to add this info to the xmlfind tutorial I have on our forum. (I had to make some super-basic tutorials for our staff... some of them can't seem to figure anything out on their own.)

ArteGordon- 01-30-2007
yes, you can create compound tests using any combination of & and | with as many as you like.

Xarlon- 01-30-2007
One more quick question, then I'll leave you alone. happy.gif

if a region has a space in the name, how do you search for spawners in that region? (Terathan Keep)

I tried "Terathan Keep" and 'Terathan Keep'... I'm about to try {} [] () around it, and then _ where the space is.

edit-- none of those worked either

ArteGordon- 01-31-2007
this should work. (it works for me on other region names that have spaces)

regionname="Terathan Keep"

If it doesnt, make sure that you have the exact spelling, with all spaces, caps etc.
Do the "[xmlget regionname" thing on the spawner to see exactly what the value should look like.

Xarlon- 02-01-2007
no... their regionname property isn't set yet. I'm typing the region name in the region box on the XmlFind window. When I do that, it seems like it only does the first word, and if I use quotes it still doesn't work. (I think it's treating the " like part of the first word)

Something similar I noticed... quotes don't work in the command box either.

ArteGordon- 02-01-2007
I'll look into that

Xarlon- 02-01-2007

Of course it might be fixed in the newer versions already, and it's only not working for me because we're using version 3.04 of the xmlspawner package.
(according to [smartstat )

Xarlon- 03-15-2007
I decided to sit myself in the middle of the area I wanted to search, and just use the range setting to find all spawners within 200 tiles of myself.

That'll be the best way to do it until you determine the problem with using spaces.

ArteGordon- 03-16-2007
thanks for reminding me. I will fix that for the next revision.

I would definitely try to upgrade from 3.04. Lots of things fixed and added since then.

Xarlon- 03-18-2007
QUOTE (ArteGordon @ March 16, 2007 08:15 am)
I would definitely try to upgrade from 3.04. Lots of things fixed and added since then.

If I had FTP access, I would upgrade. The server is 2k miles away, and the shard owner doesn't have ftp set up on it. Last time she tried to upgrade it, she had some errors, and gave up.

Xarlon- 03-22-2007
During my time building my own shard (rather than working on someone else's) I've been using version 3.20 and the spaces work fine for searching regions. I did notice that capitalization has to match though, so that might be the problem I was having on the other shard. Whatever was wrong, it's been fixed.

However... using quotes in the command box still treats the " as part of the first word, and the second word is ignored, or treated as a property name.

For Instance, I was renaming the spawners in the faction towns to be named the same as the town, and when I tried to use set name "Skara Brae" in the command box, it set their names to "Skara

ArteGordon- 03-23-2007

thanks. I'll check out the quotes thing. The requirement for capitalization match is intentional.