Full Version : NoTriggerOnCarried
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malavon- 04-04-2006
Hi Arte!
I have a problem with NoTriggerOnCarried condition. I made quest NPC with GIVE quest. Quest is ok.
But when I set NoTriggerOnCarried to QuestName,questholder and I come to NPC, proximity test goes true and NPC start talking to me.
Can you help me please? Maybe some example of setting NoTriggerOnCarried would be fine.

Thanx a lot.

ArteGordon- 04-04-2006
make sure that you have entered the quest name string exactly.
You have to have all of the spacing and capitalization exactly the same.
Do a

[get name

on the questholder to check the exact string that you need to enter into the NoTriggerOnCarried property.

malavon- 04-04-2006
Something wrong. This is my npc. See you some error?

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
   <Gump>GUMP,Graham,3/Can you bring me a dagger?</Gump>
   <Action>GIVE/&lt;questholder/name/GrahamsDagger/notestring/Bring a dagger to Graham/objective1/GIVE,Graham,dagger,1</Action>
   <Text>Ok. I ask someone else.</Text>

ArteGordon- 04-04-2006
if you want to make the activation of banter entries (DependsOn = -1) depend on the NoTrigger or TriggerOnCarried setting, then set DependsOn on to -2 instead of -1, otherwise they are just activated by nearby movement.



malavon- 04-05-2006
Thank you.