I am using the xml spawner to spawn a questnote on a speech triiger.
The players do the collect and the kill quests but they do not recieve the points.
2.I have searched and searched on this other problem....I f I create the questholder and its playercreated (by me (seer)), And i place it in the playerquestboard, when the player drops it from the board he can not use the collect button on a COLLECT quest.
I have been searching for info on this wonderful tool.I just need more infor on the whole Quest without a xmlquestnpc.What i mean is I only wish to make quests automated from either a xmlspawner,(which i can edit all the props), the playerquestboard,(which i have no prob creating each quest indivually) or placing them on my player vendor so the players can bet on themselfs that they can complete the kill quest in a certain amount of time. say for instance i would like to sell a kill quest of 10 balrons in 1 hour for 1000 gold, upon completion they would recieve 2000 gold.
These 3 ways of questing is what im interested in.With all 3 of them giving quest points for completion.
I have played uo since beta and its my most sincere belief that you should have been on thier dev team from day one.
playermade quests are explicitly blocked from giving quest points to prevent exploits. If you are not worried about players making their own quests and giving themselves points for them, then you can change this in xmlquestholder.cs and xmlquesttoken.cs.
private void QuestCompletionAttachment() { bool complete = IsCompleted;
// is this quest repeatable if((!Repeatable || NextRepeatable > TimeSpan.Zero) && complete) { double expiresin = Repeatable ? NextRepeatable.TotalMinutes : 0;
// then add an attachment indicating that it has already been done XmlAttach.AttachTo(Owner, new XmlQuestAttachment(this.Name, expiresin)); } // have quest points been enabled? if(XmlQuest.QuestPointsEnabled && complete/* && !PlayerMade */) { XmlQuestPoints.GiveQuestPoints(Owner, this); } }
You could also forget about the mod and just manually set the PlayerMade flag to false via the [props after you have created and placed it on the board or vendor.
To hand out quests via xmlspawner without an xmlquestnpc, take a look at examples like boboquest.xml in xmlextras.zip
You could even set up an xmlspawner to create the quests and automatically ADD them to a player quest board (quests created in this way dont have the PlayerMade flag set, so they will always give quest points).
I will have to check out the issue with the COLLECT button.
I havent been able to reproduce the COLLECT problem. Are the items to be collected in their pack or on the ground?
When you say that they cant use the button, do you mean that it doesnt bring up the targeting cursor after they press it?
[/QUOTE]You could even set up an xmlspawner to create the quests and automatically ADD them to a player quest board (quests created in this way dont have the PlayerMade flag set, so they will always give quest points).
I have searched on this also but to no avail.
Also the problem with the collect was the players fault.
QUOTE (Aceybree @ July 23, 2006 07:57 am) |
[/QUOTE]You could even set up an xmlspawner to create the quests and automatically ADD them to a player quest board (quests created in this way dont have the PlayerMade flag set, so they will always give quest points). [QUOTE]
I have searched on this also but to no avail.
Also the problem with the collect was the players fault. |
to have a spawner add a quest directly to a player quest board, add a spawn entry like this
SET,Player Quest Board, playerquestboard/ADD/<questholder/name/your quest/objective1/KILL,balron,10/autoreward/true/rewardstring/gold,500>
where you have a playerquestboard named "Player Quest Board".
This will add the specified quest directly to the board when spawned.
I have been trying to add that sting into the xml spawner but it comes up with object not found for player made quest am i doing something wrong(besides my newness and stupidity) it is a great tool now if i can just get it to work.....and a side note when i did get it to work how can i add a bag of items as the auto reward ie a polar bear mask a random weapon and 10000 gold? sorry i really am trying to get how this works but most days all i end up this is a serious headache
QUOTE (Valen @ August 06, 2006 11:18 am) |
I have been trying to add that sting into the xml spawner but it comes up with object not found for player made quest am i doing something wrong(besides my newness and stupidity) it is a great tool now if i can just get it to work.....and a side note when i did get it to work how can i add a bag of items as the auto reward ie a polar bear mask a random weapon and 10000 gold? sorry i really am trying to get how this works but most days all i end up this is a serious headache |
you need to make sure that you have a playerquestboard placed and make sure that you specify the name exactly. You must have the same spaces, capitalization, everything. You can use the [whatisit command to confirm type and name of the object.
To add a bag of items as a reward, use a rewardstring like
SET,Player Quest Board, playerquestboard/ADD/<questholder/name/your quest/objective1/KILL,balron,10/autoreward/true/rewardstring/@bag/ADD/gold,500/ADD/WEAPON,1,2
You need to use the @ operator because your rewardstring contains special characters that you dont want to have parsed.