Full Version : Proximity Spawing
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Kin-Kran- 10-14-2007
I was working on some walls that apear only when a player is near them. So far I have it so it spawns when they are within 4 tiles and it disapears after they leave. I was trying to figure out how to set it so the wall doesnt disapear at all while the player is with the Proximity Range. A smart player can figure out if they stand there long enough they can go through it before it respawns. Thx

Props Changed

Duration - 6 sec

Maz-Min Delay - 0 sec

Proximity Range - 4

Spawn Range - 0

ArteGordon- 10-14-2007
instead of using the Duration property to despawn, you could use TemporaryQuestObject attachments to automatically remove the walls when they expire, and then refresh the expiration time if there are players still in range. This requires sequential spawning to be set.

subgroup 1: wallspawn/ATTACH/temporaryquestobject,tmpwalls,0.1
subgroup 2: SETONSPAWN,1/ATTACHMENT,temporaryquestobject,tmpwalls,expiration/0:00:06

Kin-Kran- 10-14-2007
Ok i used the condition, it doest despawn after the player walks away though. I took the despawn in the props to zero.

ArteGordon- 10-14-2007
try it using the temporaryquestobject approach that will remove the walls even if there are no players around.

You could also try it with no attachments, use the Duration property, and just refresh the DurationOver timer value on the spawner, like this. Again use sequential spawning or use a separate spawner to update the wallspawn spawner.

subgroup 1: wallspawn
subgroup 2: SETONTHIS/durationover/0:00:06