Full Version : Proximity spawning
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AdminArcanum- 03-29-2006
is there a way to set all the spawners on a shard to proximity spawn all at once??

ArteGordon- 03-29-2006
I'm not exactly sure what the question is.

Do you mean that when one spawner is proximity triggered, all of the spawners are activated?

Or, that you want to set all spawners to be proximity triggered using one command?

AdminArcanum- 03-29-2006
was wondering if there was one command to set all 7989 spawners on an active shard to be proximity triggered?

ArteGordon- 03-29-2006
well, you could easily do that, but if you want to configure them so that they only spawn when players are around to reduce spawn counds, then you want to use SmartSpawning which performs exactly that kind of proximity controlled spawning but is more efficient and basically smarter than simple proximity triggered spawning/despawning.

I would recommend using the


command to give you the best configuration of such spawners, or something like

[optimalsmartspawning 100

to include even more spawners in the selection process.

That command automatically excludes normal triggered spawners, and spawners with vendors on them.

If you wanted to set all spawners to smartspawn you would use something like

[global set smartspawning true where xmlspawner

If you really did want to set all spawners to be proximity triggered, you would do something like

[global set proximityrange 15 where xmlspawner

AdminArcanum- 03-29-2006
thanx again arti that was a huge help on save times