Im not very comfortable with xml, this is pretty new to me.
My question is about scripting a quest with a nextrepeatable delay or a one time quest.
I scripted my quests and they works fine but i would like to make it so the NPC doesnt talk to a player if that player isnt allowed to redo the quest yet.
I have set the notriggeroncarried so the quest giver doesnt talk to the player if hes carrying the quest book. But thats only good till the player turns in the book
So far, if you have done the quest, you can receive another book and when you open it you have either the remaining time till next possible quest or a message saying the player as already done the quest.
Also, now i make my Quest Giver immortal making it's title bar yellow. Is there a way to make the tiotle bar another color so they stand out?
thanks for your time
For your first question, set the NoTriggerOnCarried to something like this:
And put your other condition for whether they are holding the questholder in the individual speech entry:
Condition: ~GETONCARRIED,NameOfYourQuest,questholder,visible=true
For your second question, I'm not entirely sure about changing the hue of the bar itself, but there are cool ways to make your NPC stand out.
Here's a quote from one of Arte's posts on the RunUO forums:
A couple of revisions ago I added the ability to display visual effects over xmlquestnpcs. The idea is to be able to add various visual identifiers for various quest npcs. If you create an xmlquestnpc you can just set a couple of properties to turn this on either via [props or via xmlspawners. This is from xmlspawner2.txt
Quote: - added some new effects options to XmlQuestNPCs to allow them to display overhead effects indicators. The EItemID, EHue, EOffset, and EDuration properties define the effect item, hue, xyz offset, and effect duration. Setting EItemID to zero will disable this feature.
Because most of the effects dont have built in z-offset, they would generally appear at the level of the mob instead of overhead. I added a workaround using location effects that worked fine for stationary mobs, but would leave effects trails if the mob moved. The custom mul mod that Eymerich was displaying adds art that has the z-offset and so can be used with target effects so that it is both overhead, and follows the mob if it moves.
Without any mul mods you can still have overhead highlighting effects like that, but they wont be quite as slick.
There is a demo of the effects feature in the xmlextras package. Just load up questhighlight.xml
[xmlloadhere questhighlight.xml __________________
I hope this helps.
Thank you got it to work and now the quest givers are more noticable