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McGrath- 09-23-2006
Ok so I'm probably being stupid again but...

I am making an XML Quest that had you gather several items in several amounts and give them to someone named "Ferron"

Example of an objective string im using:

The only problem is, how do you "give" someone something, I;ve tried drag and drop and seceral different amounts but nothing seems to work.

So, how does someone GIVE an NPC something. Do they need to have an XML entry?

Vladimir- 09-23-2006
Hi there...

I might be mistaken, but I think you can only GIVE something to an xmlquestnpc, not any NPC hanging around town. Is Ferron an xmlquestnpc?

Other than that just check spelling of names etc, also caps does make a diff

hope that helps!

McGrath- 09-24-2006
OIY !!

Your right, im dumb tongue.gif

xmlspawner/Right3.bmp Thanks xmlspawner/Left3.bmp