Full Version : questnpc granting access
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Botnick- 06-29-2006
I've set up a restricted area and i want to grant access to a group of player if they are carrying a certain key item. Since only one person will have the item, i planed on opeing a gate for a few minutes and closing it.

I've made a quest npc that triggers if a player walks up to her with the key item in his pack. If the player agrees to access the area, the key item is deleted.

Where im stuck is i need a gate to open and close at a specific location and transport players to another specific location.

Ive tried many ways of making the npc create and remove the gate, but failed.

Can you help me?

godfood- 06-29-2006
This thread might offer some idea's for you.

Click Me

ArteGordon- 06-29-2006
if you mean a moongate, then you can take a look at this example as well

If you want to specify an xmldialog Action that will create a temporary moongate to some location you can use something like this


which will create a moongate at location 1200,300,16 which will transport players to target location 1500,1100,0 and will delete itself after 5 minutes