Full Version : Region spawners
xmlspawner >>Q&A >>Region spawners

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Sou- 02-25-2006
Hi Arte smile.gif I have 2 problems with region spawnin ( RegionName ... )

1. If spawner draw ( for example ) a water as a place in which they want to spawn mobile, that mobile will be spawn on spawner:/

So if i have a huge region with a lot of mountains/lakes etc, 50% of mobile will be spawn on the spawner:/

2. Sometimes spawner give me an information "invalid region: ... "

But this region is not invalid;) Maeby when i resart my serwer it is some moment when regions doesnt works so spawner give me that info?

Do u have any idea how to fix that problems? It is very important because now i must kill this mobile ( which spawns on the spawner ) 2 times per day... wink.gif

P.s I hope that u understand me:D

ArteGordon- 02-25-2006
When the spawner fails to find a valid spawn location after 10 random attempts, it places the spawn at the location of the spawner.
You can increase the number of attempts that it makes by making this change around line 8820 in xmlspawner2.cs


  public Point3D GetSpawnPosition(bool requiresurface, int packrange, Point3D packcoord)
  Map map = Map;

  if( map == null )
    return Location;

  // Try 10 times to find a Spawnable location.
  // trace profiling indicates that this is a major bottleneck
  for( int i = 0; i < 30; i++ )

As for the region not being found, how are you defining this region?