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DreadfullyDespized- 11-27-2006
I know it is something in what I am doing but trying to figure out what. I have had people complete the quest and I have to coem and give them the reward and delete the quest book because the autoreward is not working.

here is my reward line.

<Action>GIVE/<questholder/name/MoonQuest1/notestring/10 Bullshits/objective1/KILLNAMED,Bullshit,10/autoreward/true/repeatable/false/SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/xmldata,MoonQuest1/@bag/hue/1169/ADD/HorseDung/name/Bullshit/ADD/bankcheck,200/ADD/LeafGloves/hue/1169</Action>

ArteGordon- 11-28-2006
you need to tell it to assign the rewardstring property here


also the /hue/1169 at the end is going to do the same thing as the /hue/1169 at the beginning, and that is to change the hue of the bag. Same thing with the name/Bullshit. If you want property changes to apply to something other than the primary object, you would need to use the grouping operator <> like this


DreadfullyDespized- 11-28-2006

<Action>GIVE/<questholder/name/MoonQuest1/notestring/10 Bullshits/objective1/KILLNAMED,Bullshit,10/autoreward/true/repeatable/false/SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/xmldata,MoonQuest1/rewardstring/@bag/hue/1169/ADD/<HorseDung/name/Bullshit>/ADD/bankcheck,200/ADD/<LeafGloves/hue/1169></Action>

so that would work?

ArteGordon- 11-29-2006

is a separate action (SETONTRIGMOB is a standalone keyword like GIVE so it can only be used at the beginning of an entry), so you would need to separate it from the GIVE action with a semicolon like

SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/xmldata,MoonQuest1 ; GIVE/<questholder/name/MoonQuest1/notestring/10 Bullshits/objective1/KILLNAMED,Bullshit,10/autoreward/true/repeatable/false/rewardstring/@bag/hue/1169/ADD/<HorseDung/name/Bullshit>/ADD/bankcheck,200/ADD/<LeafGloves/hue/1169>

One question is why you are adding the xmldata attachment. It isnt a problem, I'm just wondering what you are planning on doing with it.

DreadfullyDespized- 11-29-2006
well my main problem is that I want the quest to not be repeatable. kindof a beginner quest. but even if I set the NoTrigOnCarried then it still pops up the quest information. which results in multiple quest books. so one person can kill lets say 60 great harts for the quest to be completed. but if you have multiple quest books then it completes all quest books at once. instead of 60 per book. Also without the xmlattachment check. The player can still go through the quest speech and get the questbook, but it does say it isn't repeatable. this way it saves the player the hassle of going through it all. and the questgiver just lets you know that you have already done the quest.

ArteGordon- 11-29-2006
it sounds like it is just a problem with your NoTrigOnCarried string. Make sure that you specify the name of the questholder exactly, including capitalization.

Also note that any XmlDialog entries that have a DependsOn value of -1 will ignore the Trig/NoTrig settings and will only require nearby movement. If you want them to consider those settings then use a DependsOn of -2 instead.

DreadfullyDespized- 11-29-2006
Alright I got another problem. the xmlspawner is setup properly even made a new one to read the config GeneralDen. For the xml questnpc configfile. Yet it spawns the npc with he name and such. But no xmledit information at all on the npc

Here is the GeneralDen.npc file.


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
   <Name>Lord Den</Name>
   <NoTriggerOnCarried>DenQuest1,questholder | DenQuest2,questholder | DenQuest3,questholder | DenQuest4,questholder | DenQuest5,questholder | DenQuest6,questholder | DenQuest7,questholder | DenQuest8,questholder | DenQuest9,questholder | DenQuest10,questholder | ATTACHMENT,DenQuest1,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,DenQuest2,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,DenQuest3.xmldata | ATTACHMENT,DenQuest4,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,DenQuest5,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,DenQuest6,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,DenQuest7,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,DenQuest8,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,DenQuest9,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,DenQuest10,xmldata</NoTriggerOnCarried>
   <Text>Good marrow, got some time to help out town?</Text>
   <Condition>GETONTRIGMOB,str&gt;39 &amp; GETONTRIGMOB,str&lt;100 &amp; ~GETONCARRIED,DenQuest1,Visible=true</Condition>
   <Text>Around here we have quite the infestation of Giant Toads, Could you rid us of at least 40 of them? Head a ways South to find them.</Text>
   <Action>SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/xmldata,DenQuest1; GIVE/&lt;questholder/name/DenQuest1/notestring/40 GiantToads/objective1/KILL,GiantToad,40/autoreward/true/repeatable/false/rewardstring/@bag/hue/1161/ADD/bankcheck,200/ADD/<dyetub/hue/1161/dyedhue/1161/name/ToadShit></Action>
   <Text>Spare some time ye trout, We wish our community protected.</Text>
   <Condition>GETONTRIGMOB,str&gt;99 &amp; GETONTRIDMOB,&lt;200 &amp; ~GETONCARRIED,DenQuest2,Visible=true</Condition>
   <Text>I am weary and my eyes play tricks on me. A very grouse infestation of GiantSerpents we have. Please get 20 of them? Head a ways South to find them.</Text>
   <Action>SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/xmldata,DenQuest2; GIVE/&lt;questholder/name/DenQuest2/notestring/20 GiantSerpents/objective1/KILL,GiantSerpent,20/autoreward/true/repeatable/false/rewardstring/@bag/name/SerpentBag/hue/1156/ADD/<Snowman/hue/2974/name/SerpentMonkey>/ADD/bankcheck,400</Action>
   <Text>Hehe my old age summons true stupidity. Care a time?</Text>
   <Condition>GETONTRIGMOB,str&gt;199 &amp; GETONTRIGMOB,str&lt;300 &amp; GETONCARRIED,DenQuest3,Visible=true</Condition>
   <Text>You are interested, that is good. Please go and kill 80 InterredGrizzles. Head a ways South to find them.</Text>
   <Action>SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/xmldata,DenQuest3; GIVE/&lt;questholder/name/DenQuest3/80 InterredGrizzles/objective1/KILL,InterredGrizzle,80/autoreward/true/repeatable/false/rewardstring/@bag/name/Smithy/hue/1147/ADD/<ColoredAnvil/name/GrizzleAnvil/hue/1147>/ADD/bankcheck,600</Action>

ArteGordon- 11-29-2006
how are you spawning it? What is the actual spawn entry?

Your XML file has errors in it. You must have edited it manually because there are invalid chars like < and >.

<Action>SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/xmldata,DenQuest1; GIVE/&lt;questholder/name/DenQuest1/notestring/40 GiantToads/objective1/KILL,GiantToad,40/autoreward/true/repeatable/false/rewardstring/@bag/hue/1161/ADD/bankcheck,200/ADD/<dyetub/hue/1161/dyedhue/1161/name/ToadShit></Action>

In XML those have to be converted to &lt; and &gt;

there are a couple of other places where you use those chars as well.

Note that when you have problems like this, particularly if you have been manually creating or editing an XML file, you can always test the file for XML errors by opening it up as an XML file (e.g. change the extension to .xml and open it with IE)

DreadfullyDespized- 11-29-2006
yeah I was editing it manually because every time I get so far on the script line it would revert back while using the ingame book method. and I am using an xmlspawner just like presented in xmlquest for dummies link. in the tutorials section.

One other bugged and confusing script.


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
   <Name>Lord Moon</Name>
   <NoTriggerOnCarried>MoonQuest1,questholder | MoonQuest2,questholder | MoonQuest3,questholder | MoonQuest4,questholder | MoonQuest5,questholder | MoonQuest6,questholder | MoonQuest7,questholder | MoonQuest8,questholder | MoonQuest9,questholder | MoonQuest10,questholder | ATTACHMENT,MoonQuest1,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,MoonQuest2,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,MoonQuest3,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,MoonQuest4,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,MoonQuest5,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,MoonQuest6,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,MoonQuest7,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,MoonQuest8,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,MoonQuest9,xmldata | ATTACHMENT,MoonQuest10,xmldata</NoTriggerOnCarried>
   <Text>Alas a savour of our small town.  Could you help us?</Text>
   <Condition>GETONTRIGMOB,str&gt;39 &amp; GETONTRIGMOB,str&lt;100 &amp; ~GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest1,Visible=true</Condition>
   <Text>Far South of here there are BULLSHITS attacking please kill 10 of them.</Text>
   <Action>SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/xmldata,MoonQuest1; GIVE/&lt;questholder/name/MoonQuest1/notestring/10 Bullshits/objective1/KILLNAMED,Bullshit,10/autoreward/true/repeatable/false/rewardstring/@bag/hue/1169/ADD/<HorseDung/name/Bullshit>/ADD/bankcheck,200/ADD/&lt;LeafGloves/hue/1169/name/ShitGloves&gt;</Action>
   <Text>Help we need help we are under attack from bastards of bodom!!</Text>
   <Condition>GETONTRIGMOB,str&gt;99 &amp; GETONTRIGMOB,str&lt;200 &amp; ~GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest2,Visible=true</Condition>
   <Text>Far south of here there are GayRods running around trying to rape people. Kill 30 of them.</Text>
   <Action>SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/xmldata,MoonQuest2; GIVE/&lt;questholder/name/MoonQuest2/notestring/30 GayRods/objective1/KILLNAMED,GayRod,30/autoreward/true/repeatable/false/rewardstring/@bag/hue/1183/ADD/LevelKasue/1183/ADD/&lt;LevelKasa/hue/1183/name/GayWear&gt;/ADD/bankcheck,400</Action>
   <Text>Come to me young one, we need your strength, lend me your abilities.</Text>
   <Condition>GETONTRIGMOB,str&gt;199 &amp; GETONTRIGMOB,str&lt;300 &amp; ~GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest3,Visible=true</Condition>
   <Text>Far south of here there are PITAs, They are being real pitas to the people Kill 40 of them.</Text>
   <Action>SETONTRIGMOB/ATTACH/xmldata,MoonQuest3; GIVE/&lt;questholder/name/MoonQuest3/notestring/40 PITAs/objective1/KILLNAMED,PITA,40/autoreward/true/repeatable/false/rewardstring/@bag/hue/1264/ADD/&lt;LevelJinbaori/hue/1264/name/PitaVest&gt;/ADD/bankcheck,600</Action>
   <Text>You are currently doing a quest.</Text>
   <Condition>GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest1,Visible=true | GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest2,Visible=true | GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest3,Visible=true | GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest4,Visible=true | GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest5,Visible=true | GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest6,Visible=true | GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest7,Visible=true | GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest8,Visible=true | GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest9,Visible=true | GETONCARRIED,MoonQuest10,Visible=true</Condition>

ArteGordon- 11-30-2006
did you try debugging it with an XML viewer like IE or firefox? They will find any errors and show you where they are in the file.

DreadfullyDespized- 11-30-2006
wholey sweet, many thanks. sorry for being such a pest. IE7 also works with the debugging

ArteGordon- 11-30-2006
If you have it, firefox actually points to the exact spot where the error occurred and so is a little more helpful.

Thadius- 12-25-2006
I'm having a problem with reward being handed out, too. Here's my Action line:


GIVE/<questholder/name/Slay the Captains/notestring/Head down the Southern path and slay 3 Captains./objective1/KILLNAMED,Captain,3/canseereward/false/difficulty/3/autoreward/

Oh, also, in the questbook gump where it shows how many are remaining to be killed, it doesn't update the number remaining. Ideas?

DreadfullyDespized- 03-03-2009
not sure exactly what armor stands for?
and I have not seen difficulty used before in the script context.

I could say try using plategloves 5,5, instead of armor.