Full Version : Serialization of timedswitches.cs
xmlspawner >>Q&A >>Serialization of timedswitches.cs

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Ravenwolfe- 08-29-2006
Hey Arte,

I noticed that the timedswitches.cs, which is very useful for working with triggered spawns (thank you by the way!), does not serialize the itemid. I changed the itemid on a switch I had placed, but when the server reboots, it goes back to the standard itemid. I would like it to not change as this would allow you use any itemid as a switch. Pretty handy for tricks and traps. I know that I would have to serialize/deserialize the item id for the timed lever, but I'm always iffy about this kind of stuff. Could you point me in the right direction? And consider it as a change for your next update?

ArteGordon- 08-29-2006
use the TimedSwitchableItem for that sort of thing. It is the same as the timed switch but it allows you to specify the itemid for the different switch states, and those itemids are saved.

Ravenwolfe- 08-30-2006
Aye, I used that for some, but the timedswitchableitem doesnt allow for a three state like the timedlever does and I really need the three state.

ArteGordon- 08-30-2006
QUOTE (Ravenwolfe @ August 30, 2006 08:03 pm)
Aye, I used that for some, but the timedswitchableitem doesnt allow for a three state like the timedlever does and I really need the three state.

I can post a 3-state version.

Ravenwolfe- 08-30-2006
Awesome, thanks!

ArteGordon- 08-31-2006
added a 3 state version of the timedswitchableitem to the Files setion.