Full Version : Skill Trigger does not work
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Bujinsho- 12-08-2006

I've got a problem with getting the SkillTrigger to work on my shard. I wanted to make it "illegal" to mine a particular area by detecting the use of the Mining skill and flagging the offending player as criminal.

I have spawners in use that detect the presence of players in a certain area and flag them as criminal just for being there, and they work just fine smile.gif

However, when I configure a spawner the exact same way, but add Mining
to the SkillTrigger, they do absolutely nothing, even when a player is happily mining away right next to it.

I typed in Mining exactly like that, which as far as I can tell from the documentation etc, should trigger the spawner if the player simply swings a pickaxe or a shovel (the test player was using a shovel btw).

Am I missing some vital point here? I tried the example Skilltrigger3.xml as well ... it also did nothing.

I run RunUO 1.0.0

Help would be greatly appriciated ... this was a feature I REALLY wanted to implement.

ArteGordon- 12-08-2006
It sounds like you didnt perform installation step number 5


STEP 5: (recommended but not required)
To take advantage of spawner triggering on skill use you must change 4 lines in Scripts/Misc/SkillCheck.cs (note, you dont have to make this mod if you dont want to, the spawner and other items will work just fine without it, the SkillTriggering features simply wont do anything). Near the beginning of the file at line 73 change these lines.

public static void Initialize()
Mobile.SkillCheckLocationHandler = new SkillCheckLocationHandler( Mobile_SkillCheckLocation );
Mobile.SkillCheckDirectLocationHandler = new SkillCheckDirectLocationHandler( Mobile_SkillCheckDirectLocation );

Mobile.SkillCheckTargetHandler = new SkillCheckTargetHandler( Mobile_SkillCheckTarget );
Mobile.SkillCheckDirectTargetHandler = new SkillCheckDirectTargetHandler( Mobile_SkillCheckDirectTarget );

to this

public static void Initialize()
// Begin mod to enable XmlSpawner skill triggering
Mobile.SkillCheckLocationHandler = new SkillCheckLocationHandler( XmlSpawnerSkillCheck.Mobile_SkillCheckLocation );
Mobile.SkillCheckDirectLocationHandler = new SkillCheckDirectLocationHandler( XmlSpawnerSkillCheck.Mobile_SkillCheckDirectLocation );

Mobile.SkillCheckTargetHandler = new SkillCheckTargetHandler( XmlSpawnerSkillCheck.Mobile_SkillCheckTarget );
Mobile.SkillCheckDirectTargetHandler = new SkillCheckDirectTargetHandler( XmlSpawnerSkillCheck.Mobile_SkillCheckDirectTarget );
// End mod to enable XmlSpawner skill triggering

Bujinsho- 12-09-2006
*blushes furiously* Thanks Arte