hey Artegordon, i have searched and search, with lots of results, but not what im looking for.
im making a quest for rangers.
skillcheck to see if they have taming > 60
if they do then the npc does action is :
GUMP,lostpet,3/you must find my special BLACK stag please, by name "HORNS", you will need to tame it and bring it back to me.
i accept the quest with the following:
GIVE/<questholder/name/lostpet/notestring/tame my black stag /objective1/TAMENAMED,Horns,1/Autoreward/true/rewardstring/@bag/ADD/gold,2000
this is the part not working, i tried tame alone, "Horns" and a few other weird options, but it does not register the tame.
i get the book in my bag, and all looks correct.
any suggestions please?
maybe because you had several mobiles named that, Since if its not unique it
cant read it.
no i created one greathart, named him Horns, but that didnt work, tried a few options, but it seems the tame, tamenamed, keyword are not defined?
right, TAMENAMED is not a valid objective keyword.
The only ones that are built-in are
You would have to have a spawner or an xmldialog check for the taming objective.
For example, you could check to see whether a nearby named mobile was tamed by the triggering player with a check like
you could put that in an IF check or #CONDITION test on a triggered spawner, or use it in a Condition field of an xmldialog entry.
So you would set up a custom objective1, like
GIVE/<questholder/name/lostpet/notestring/tame my black stag /objective1/Find and tame Horns
You would then have the player return and have the spawner or xmldialog entry manually set the questholder 'completed1' property to true after it checked to see that they had tamed it.
Hey Arte,
i did the following
NoTrigOnCarried lostpet | ATTACHMENT,Lostpet,XmlQuestAttachment
10 10 -1 text=PArdon, Ranger, could you help me please? condition=GETONTRIGMOB,skills.animaltaming.value>69
20 20 10 Keywords=yes,sure,ok Gump=GUMP,lostpet,3/I need to find.......
30 30 20 Keywords=accept Action=GIVE/<questholder/name/lostpet/notestring/Tame one Greathart for me./objective1/Tame Horns/
40 and 50 decline and no
#CONDITION,GETONNEARBY,10,Horns,GreatHart,controlmaster.serial=GETONTRIGMOB,serial ; SETONCARRIED,Tame Horns,questholder,completed1/true
but, its still not registering the that i have tamed horns, quest stayes incompleted.
what am i doing wrong?
#CONDITION,GETONNEARBY,10,Horns,GreatHart,controlmaster.serial=GETONTRIGMOB,serial ; SETONCARRIED,Tame Horns,questholder,completed1/true
the name of the questholder that you are trying to refer to should be "lostpet", not "Tame Horns".
Why controlmaster.serial? isn't it just controlmaster?
QUOTE (Vladimir @ April 18, 2007 09:53 am) |
Why controlmaster.serial? isn't it just controlmaster? |
For conditional testing you need to compare the serial values of the mobiles. Mobile properties themselves dont parse out correctly for condition tests like that. I'll look into how I might change that.
thanks all, spec Arte, works great
and a special thanks to my "friend"