Full Version : TriggerOnCarried
xmlspawner >>Q&A >>TriggerOnCarried

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Fafnir- 03-27-2006
I've searched and read all the messages on TriggerOnCarried both here and on RunUo forums, but cannot seem to get this to work.

I have a quest and would like an xmlspawner to only spawn the monster when someone comes with the questholder in their pack.

On the spawner, I have SpawnOnTrigger = True, TriggerAccessLevel = Game Master (so I can test it), TriggerOnCarried = "Test Quest", Proximity Range = 5

I have the min/max delay set at 0, and the spawner gives the monster whenever I am near, whether I have the questholder or not. All other spawner props are default.

I have tested the questholder with [get name and it returns exactly what I am entering in the TriggerOnCarried field.

The way I understand this is that the monster should only spawn with the carried item on the triggermob (me). If I do not have the item, spawning should be suppressed.

What am I missing?

ArteGordon- 03-27-2006
post the xml file for the spawner and I'll take a look at it.

Also double check to make sure that you are not carrying anything else with that name.
You could also make sure that it only checks for questholders with that name by adding the optional type argument, like

Test Quest,questholder

Fafnir- 03-27-2006
Go figure! On my test server it worked first time. I don't have access to the file commands on the shard where I GM, but now that I know it can work, I will attack it with vigor and get that sucker!

Thanks again for a wonderful spawner system Arte!