What I'm doing wrong? I made a custom quest with xmlquestnpc. Quest works greatly. Whats is my problem? Here is last line:
GIVE/<questholder/name/Kill bunnies/notestring/Find and kill 25 Vorpal bunnies, collect 5 brightly colored eggs and 200 carrots from them./objective1/KILL,VorpalBunny,25/objective2/COLLECT,BrightlyColoredEggs,5/objective3/COLLECT,Carrot,200/autoreward/true/rewardstring/@bag/ADD/FruitCartEastDeed
If I add on the end of line parameter /nextrepeatable/168:00:00 (or 7.00:00:00), after opening QuestHolder there is a error at the bottom:
nextrepeatable : Property not found.
dont add it to the end because of this
the '@' tells it to treat the rest of the line as a literal string and so it will assign the rewardstring property whatever follows it.
If you want /nextrepeatable/168:00:00 to be applied to the questholder, put it earlier, like
Thanks Arte. It work - but if I wrote
/nextrepeatable/168:00:00/rewardstring/... |
I had the same error. So I placed it at the start of line
GIVE/<questholder/nextrepeatable/168:00:00/name/Kill bunnies/.... |
and it works properly.
Thx again.