Full Version : #XY and #WAYPOINT problems
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Syznow- 08-07-2007
I was trying to use #XY to spawn a waypoint in Luna bank, but it seems to not spawn there properly. Instead it spawns directly under the xmlspawner, which is at a different location.

I have the same problem trying to spawn off a waypoint that was placed in that location.

There are several waypoint placed around Luna, but and one of those is in the bank area in the center of Luna. The other locations will work correctly using the #WAYPOINT command to spawn an item to a random waypoint. The waypoint location at teh back does not work properly with the #WAYPOINT command.

Is this something to do with the fact that it is in one of the new town regions? I don't think there is anything I modified in the runuo 2.0 code that should affect the xmlspawner code. Mostly just tweaking monster and item stats.

I am using the following spawner lines which do not work correctly for me:


The apple is actually spawning in the Tokuno mines area when I run the spawner. This spot is still on the Malas map, but it is obviously at the wrong location.

I appreciate any help you can give on this. Oh... this is with XmlSpawner 3.21a

ArteGordon- 08-07-2007
objects will be placed at the spawner location when a valid spawn location cannot be found.

When you do this


it will try to place the spawn at coord 989,520 on the current map (the map the spawner is on). If that is not valid, then it will place it at the spawner. That is probably what is happening.

Note that the #WAYPOINT command will only use the location of the waypoint, not the map. So you shouldnt try to spawn a waypoint on a different map than the spawner.

Syznow- 08-07-2007
In fact the spawner was in the Luna bank area also. It just does not seem to think that is a proper spawn location, but the spawners for the bankers in Luna are working fine.

So I know it's not a general spawn problem... I can spawn bankers there. It seems to be something about using the #XY and #WAYPOINT commands.

I just wondered if it was something I was doing wrong.

ArteGordon- 08-08-2007
try overriding the normal valid surface restriction for spawns by placing an asterisk '*' before the spawn name, like




If it is an issue with valid spawn location, that should get around it. I will check out the #XY code and see if I spot anything.

Syznow- 08-09-2007
Yes, overriding the restrictions as you suggested did allow the WAYPOINT to be placed. I had the spawner in the bank area in Luna, but the spawned waypoint is at Z=0.... hanging in midair above the building. I guess this is the problem with spawning it normally.

It did not seem to allow the apple to be spawned using the #WAYPOINT command though.

Actually, I am not sure what should be expected for Z-axis placement when using #XY.
And I am guessing the #WAYPOINT uses similar placement code.

ArteGordon- 08-09-2007
both #XY and #WAYPOINT use the standard auto z detection algorithm as normal spawn placement. So it should find the uppermost valid surface at the given location. If this is a building location with multiple z levels, I suppose this could confuse it.

You could try assigning the z location explicitly when you spawn it.